Today, I will tell you the greatest hack that was ever discovered. The hack can and has changed several lives. But only for those that have known it and done it. If you know this, you can hack your life! But first, it requires you to hack your mind.
As with all of us, on a wide basis, we all have two kinds of philosophies:
- Everything happens for a reason
- There is no such thing as reason. Everything is an accident.
What I am trying to do here is share what I know. My motive here is not to change what you believe, but to show you the truth. It is however, upto your discretion to do what you think is right.
You look back. Say, 20 years back from now. There was telephone, and there was this newly born Internet (newly born in the sense that the general public had just started using it). The world had already started seeing cases of cyber crimes. Those included a great deal of social engineering. Calling people up in organizations and then pretending to be a government official or maintenance staff or something and then extracting relevant information from them. People used to think that one day, in near future, there will be no prank calls. Everyone would know who is calling. Everyone will know the calling number, and after some time, they'd know the name. And after that, they might even know what the purpose of the call is!
Now fast forward to the present. We first had caller IDs coming to the market. We started getting numbers. But eventually, we figured it was hard to remember all the numbers. So, it became necessary now, to know the name as well. So, we started having phone books, which would tell the name of the person calling now.
What my point in telling all this is that when you think of something that isn't there (not just in the realm of technology), you fear it. Eventually when that does start happening, you slowly accept it, and at a certain point of time, it all becomes "normal".
Have you ever wondered why it is like, someone or some groups of people imagine a certain thing, which might turn into fear or absolute awe, becomes reality after some time?
Well, I gotta tell you, it's mostly because they communicate it with others. When many people start wondering about the same thing, it materializes faster. Now, guess what? Everyone's probably thinking about 2012. After the movie is out, the mayan controversy is back again. More people now know about this. As a result, more people think about this same thing. This is not the way it should be. Because if we think about it over and over again, it will definitely materialize. But when we do a little more research on the Internet, we come to know that it is what archaeologists and scientists "think". This may or may not be true that the Mayan saw the end of the world coming. It might have been some other cause. But, this very thought is taking us closer to the end. Now I cannot change how the world thinks, but I can suggest a better way of trying to make things better (favorable).
One thing I have learned in all this time is, "Thoughts become Things". If you think something about some event or material, it will eventually materialize.
Pertaining to the last post, where I wrote about how pathetic the situation is. It is not because it is what it is. We have been witnessing some of it, and have been thinking the same since the last few decades. As a result, this has been exponentially increasing. The more we try to run from them, the more we go towards them. That's how things work. The only way out of this would be think about what you want, rather than what you don't want.
With these words, I make the last post or rather, this post, controversial. I am saying exactly the opposite of what I did. But, the only justification I'd give to that, is that if I didn't post that, there was no point in posting this article.
My point also, is that competition is not what takes us towards "the greater good". It is creation. This can be proven from day to day experience. And if you are in India, and have been a good student, as they call it, at some point of time, you'd understand this. If your aim is to top the class, you'd always think of beating the person in front of you. In all, you'd be left trying to be better than a set standard, but you can never understand what really is the "standard" that is supposed to be good. In fact, there is none. You define what you want and if you take the steps to get it, you definitely will.
A mass trend in thoughts is leading us all to what we are going to. If we have to change something which pertains to all of us, all of us, or at the very least, most of us should think that way.