Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Living with Nurvs of Steel as Nurvs of Steel

It has been an awesome week. Doing shows with Nurvs of Steel, it's pretty damn good to see people who "never" listen to Metal or even "English" music give a good response.

The last show was in R K Mall for the final round of Campus Jung. It always sucks when the sound systems are fucked up, and here in Raipur, it's never good. The crowd wasn't enough though. Not as much enthusiastic as the one in Magneto. Thanks to the organizers, who had earlier mentioned that if bands do not report by 12 noon, they will be DQed but couldn't set up the stage until it was about 5:30 in the evening (Yeah, their management does suck). What's more surprising is the fact that it was organized by Dainik Bhaskar and sponsored by Hero Honda. But I guess, when it's Raipur, shit is bound to happen. I remember the last time when me and Skouzer performed with Nimbus and although the stage was all indoor, the sound system was atleast better than this time (at least it wasn't in a mall).

At first the assholes cut the power supply to our processors and started announcing that if we're not done with the sound check in 1 minute, we'd be DQed. I guess it's all they can do. Threaten to DQ us on grounds absolutely insane.

I'm just about done uploading the videos to the Nurvs of Steel Youtube channel. I guess the post-processing will be done in about a few hours before I wake up. And I updated the Band's website. Some fucker flagged our site in facebook, so I can't add the link there any more. But I hope the facebook admins will take care of that. Some wallpapers are up for downloads there now.

I'm looking forward to be aired on MyFM - our next endeavor and I do hope we'd get enough votes. All I want is for things to work out. After all, this is what I'm gonna do. The sooner the better.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Headbanging with Nurvs of Steel

After a lot of opposition from my parents, I decided to get back to Raipur to do some upcoming shows with my band.

Lately, we got ourselves a new place to practice in. Our new f-ing studio. Situated in the outskirts of the city, it's the perfect location for practicing, as there ain't much population around, so that we get to jam quite a lot, which would not have been the case anywhere else.

Two days ago, we went to BIT to perform in their branch based competition. Not to my surprise, they had no fucking monitors and they cut us loose at 12 minutes when the slot was of 20 minutes. And although they told that it was because of pressure from the faculty, but fuck knows the real fucking reason. The bad thing is that we could not complete Hallowed be thy name. They unplugged our guitars just before the fucking solo. And not once, but twice.

At the end of that, I can't tell you how many people came up and told us that they loved us, and that is exactly when you're doing heavy metal in a non metal place. They respect we got that day, goes both ways. I feel love and respect for the people of BIT Durg, who besides all the shit that was thrown at us by their event coordinators supported us. Especially to the guy who told me that he never listens to any english songs but still loved my vocals in Hallowed be thy name.

The next day, we had an audition for Campus Jung conducted by Dainik Bhaskar, in which me and Skouzer performed with Nimbus last year and ended up as runner ups and all we got was just a fucking certificate.

And yesterday they printed about the show in their newspaper's local page, and they printed our name as Steel the band. The question I ask is, "Are they fucking illiterates?" We had even written down our fucking name during the registration - Nurvs of Steel. Not some fucking "Steel the band".

I for one, am very thankful to everyone who came and supported us, giving us the best response we have ever had till date. And although they were not the metal kind of people, but the enthusiasm left me dumbstruck.

I guess shit happens. Now they're postponing the main show, and our drummer has to go to Mumbai for his checkup following the major accident he had a few months ago.

I guess that's just all for now. I'll keep updating whenever I get a chance, and just hope these posts are at least read.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Lonely, originally uploaded by Sudipto_Sarkar.
My condition lately. I am however working on that. Trying and hacking my brain to make me feel better.

The band got a show on 12th in college. I however don't think will be able to go there. I'm practically grounded. Doing instrumentals for 20 minutes ain't an easy job either. Especially when it's an audience of the sort which goes for bollywood "music". More so, when it is heavy metal instrumentals.

It's the first show where we were "invited". Not a competition, but a show. And looks where I'm standing. Fate it seems, is not without a sense of irony...